Companion Dogs Make Living More Joyful for Amputees

The trauma and adjustments of losing a limb are more than we can imagine – but we do know the security, companionship, and support a canine companion can bring is indescribable.

AlphA and Omega Dog Training has partnered with South Beach OP, to extend our services enabling more people to have access to a great companion, without fears.

South Beach OP offers premier, customized prosthetics for their patients, but they also pride themselves with ongoing support in so many ways. We are so pleased to be the team to offer their clients and local community access to dogs that are well mannered and excel in their obedience. A canine companion can work wonders, and having them be well-trained is a necessity, not a luxury.

South Beach OP recognizes that post-traumatic stress disorder appears to be more common in amputees. Trauma from combat or accidental injury and amputation resulting from medical, surgical, or psychiatric causes can be overall devastating and difficult to manage. Fortunately, we know that having a dog specifically for PTSD and depression can help lessen the trauma associated with triggering events, going in public – and even getting started with your day.

Local Dog Trainers
Dog Training Program

Countless studies prove that dogs can actually reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. They ease loneliness, encourage activity and play, and create a sense of security. They provide valuable companionship, love, and loyalty.

With the ongoing partnership of South Beach OP, we are happy to provide amputees and their families the opportunity to strengthen the bond with their dog through progressive, thorough, and thoughtful training.

For more information on training your dog contact For more information on prosthetics and support for amputees and their families, you can visit

AlphA and Omega: Rescue the Rescue

In order to give back to our community of humans and our dogs – AlphA and Omega Dog Training are pleased to offer the opportunity to own a fully trained rescue dog at no charge. We also work with the new dog owner in their home for on-site education and confidence (for the dog AND their owner).

Dog Training Program
Dog Training Program
Dog Training Program

AlphA offers this very intensive program approximately every six months or so, searching for the right dog to suit the owner that needs them, or searching for that great dog that is having a hard time finding their forever-home and just needs a little training and understanding.

AlphA teaches the dog all basic commands and then, AlphA turns to their new family, training them in all aspects of the dog care and obedience that they need to carry the responsibility as a healthy Pack leader!

These exciting collaborations make an impactful difference for both the dog that is yearning for their forever-home, and the right family, who will thrive with an obedient new dog companion!

For more information, call us at 813.444.7699 or send a message to