Human Behaviors
Training the Humans
The first step in our training process is to conduct a thorough Hands-on Introductory Session of both you and your dog. It’s important that we observe the dynamics of the relationship between you and your dog and assess the temperament and disposition. We do not believe in the “cookie-cutter” approach to training. All dogs, like humans, are unique individuals that learn in different ways and at different paces. As such, the Hands-on Introductory Session process is the where we determine your individual needs and expectations. In our program the differentiating factor is that our focus is teaching you how to effectively communicate with your dog in a way that they inherently understand. Once you, the human, learns how to speak the language, communicating with your dog becomes second nature.
Using a balanced approach to dog training that combines classical and elements of operant conditioning with timing, motivation, praise, repetition, and consistency as our training principles. We train people how to train dogs and we train dogs using these same principles. It’s important to remember that YOU play a major role in the success of any dog obedience program. Of course, we can teach your dog to perform for us, but the key to a well-trained companion lies in the ability to transfer these skills to you and every member of your family regardless of age, size, or strength.
It Begins and Ends with You – The AlphA and Omega
Humans vs Dogs
Humans are nurturing and catering by our very basic nature, it’s what makes us human. Dogs are pack animals, they live and move in groups or packs. If a subordinate member of the pack perceives any weakness from the leadership position, instinctively, for the health, well-being, and survival of the pack, another member must step up and take lead. Our basic human nature is seen as weakness.
Dogs are dominant by their very basic nature. Dominance is not a personality type, it’s a term used to describe the relationship between two or more members of a group who both have access to food, shelter, sleeping areas or other resources such as the attention and affection of a human. In a pack structure, it is the leader’s job to make the decisions about what direction to travel and how fast to get there, what’s safe – what’s not, who can come – who can go, what’s a threat – what’s not, and when and where to lay down and rest. If the leader cannot maintain this responsibility, there will be a change in the leadership position.
The “Alpha” Leader in the pack is not defined by the level of aggression. It’s the one who can lead the pack with fairness and a calm confidence to maintain a mutual working relationship that benefits the entire pack.
A Dominant Dog
Does your dog pull on the leash when taken out for walks? Does your dog bark, lunge, or begin to posture when encountering people or dogs? Does your dog rush to the door or jump on company when greeting them? That’s dominance. Do you rationalize or excuse any of this behavior? That’s nurturing and catering. We can help you change the relationship you have with your dog.
Tampa Bay, FL
AlphA and Omega Dog Training
(813) 444-7699