Either you have a fenced-in back yard, or your dog only goes outside with you dutifully attached to the other end of the leash. You have no need to train your dog to listen when it is off-leash, right? Unfortunately, that is not the case. You need to make sure that you are always prepared. One of the best ways to make sure you are prepared is to make sure your dog knows to listen, no matter if they have their leash on or not. It could be a simple training like this that saves your dog’s life.

What Happens if Your Dog Slips Out the Door?

While many dogs, especially the lazier dogs in the bunch, don’t mind the door in the slightest when it opens, this may not always be the case. Your dog may hear a noise one day when you only have the door open for a second, and in an attempt to keep you safe, run outside. If you can instantly tell your dog to sit and stay, they are not nearly as likely to get hurt. They may only want to make sure their home is safe. However, they do not understand just how dangerous a big car can be to their not-so-big body.

Animals Are Another Good Reason to Teach This Lesson

As a dog owner, you have likely had the worry cross your mind once or twice – the dreaded skunk. If your dog is outside and you happen across one of these fragrant animals, you can direct your dog on what to do if they are trained to be off-leash. You can have them return to the house, go to the car, or even just stay put. Don’t let them run off trying to be a valiant hero. If they do not have this training, they are more likely to come home a stinky villain.

Working Dogs Need a Job to Be Happy

If your dog breed of choice happens to fall into the working dog category, then it is essential to teach your dog off-leash commands. This is how they get their “job” done. Would a farmer be effective at herding cows or sheep if their dog was always leashed at their side? The same holds true with your dog. They need to know where to go, what to do, and how to make you happy with their dutiful responses. Without a job to do, these dogs often get depressed and struggle to avoid negative behaviors, such as chewing.

To Teach Your Dog How to Behave Off-Leash, Call us

Having your dog trained to be off-leash is essential, not only for their happiness, but also for their safety. Your dog loves you and wants to make you happy and proud. Show them how much you love them in return by doing anything and everything within your power to make them happy, productive members of your family. For help training your dog to be off-leash safely, contact us here at AlphA and Omega Dog Training today!