Dealing with odors is just part of the gig for pet owners. We love our best friends, but sometimes — well, they smell. Thank goodness our noses are not as effective as theirs, or we would really be in trouble. Even still, having a dog can require some days of deep cleaning! But don’t worry, no one will know a pet is in the house when you take the steps below to remove odors. We swear! And if you have other tried-and-true methods — we’d love to hear them and share them with our dog-loving community. 

If you have pets, you know it can be hard to keep your home clean and smelling fresh. These tips can help!

Bathe and groom your pets regularly.
This will keep excess dirt, oils, dander, and any odors that may be on their coat from being carried throughout your house. Brushing and grooming can be done more often, since it is just as important. Whenever possible, brush your pets outside to prevent loose hair from finding its way into furniture and carpeting.

For long hair dogs with thick undercoats, try a personal favorite — the furminator!

Get rid of the hair on your furnishings.
Use a vacuum cleaner with a pet attachment or a lint roller to do away with loose hair at least once a week. If the lint roller or vacuum attachment isn’t working, try using a rubber glove.

Vacuum the floors.
You should try to vacuum your floors once or twice a week, depending on the amount of pets you have in your home. This will help lessen the amount of hair and cat litter on the floor that leaves behind those lingering pet smells. You can also use a squeegee to pull up the stray hairs in your carpet that your vacuum can’t get to.

If you have a dog that sheds a lot or a messy cat, consider getting a robot vacuum and scheduling times for it to clean regularly.

Check your air filters.
Pet hair can build up and clog your air filters. Be sure to change your air-conditioning or furnace filters at least every one or two months.

Keep up with the litter box.
You should scoop the cat litter at least once a day. Keep the litter fresh with baking soda, which can help absorb the smell.

Clean up accidents right away.
If one of your pets has an accident inside, it’s important to immediately clean the area to avoid stains and lingering odors. Try using an enzymatic cleaner, which breaks down pet urine to remove it, rather than just masking the odor.

Don’t forget to wash pet bedding.
Be sure to wash any pet bedding, including the removable covers, at least twice a month.

Punishment is not a good way to deal with your dog’s unwanted behavior. Let us teach you how to correct them effectively so you can enjoy being the leader of your pack. Just three lessons and you will be amazed. Contact us today at (844) 739-0990 to get started on living happily with your dog. Find more tips on our Facebook page.

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