We love our canine friends as if they were a member of the family; and they are! However, when people decide to bring a dog into their home, the way in which we expect our dogs to communicate with us—and vice versa—often misses the mark! When we “humanize” our canine family members, it has a detrimental impact on training. The result is that the dog learns to not respect us as competent leaders of our pack, which in turn allows the dog to go back to a “wilder” state. Once humans understand how to communicate with their dog in a way that the dog understands, training and behaviors become much more agreeable. Regardless of the age of your dog, from puppy to adult, with proper training, you can improve the communication with your dog, thereby improving your relationship with each other, as well as your interactions outside of the home.

We, humans, are generally nurturing and want to provide and accommodate. However, this is the first step in muddling the communication between you and your canine. Think back to those times your dog jumped up at you or someone else as they came in your door. Recall the walks you have taken where your dog was pulling on the leash. Did you rationalize these behaviors? Perhaps you thought to yourself… “That’s so cute! He was excited to see me when I got home!” Or perhaps you thought… “I love how excited my pooch is to go for a walk; he can’t contain his energy!” These are rationalizing behaviors that demonstrate your compassion for your dog, but it also indicates that your dog views himself as the dominant member in this relationship, which indicates a communication barrier.

Dogs by their very nature are dominant because they are pack animals. The survival of the pack depends on a leader that keeps the pack safe and that provides food and shelter. When the perception of the leader is one that does not indicate a pack member that is clear and confident, then this leader will be replaced. Therefore, if we do not clearly communicate with our canine pack members through our training and practices, our natural human instincts as discussed will be perceived as weakness, which will cause the behaviors that are undesirable in our pets — for example, barking, pulling, jumping, etc. Communicating with your dog in a way that they understand, with a methodology that has proven success, will help to ensure you remain the alpha leader of the pack, which will allow you to enjoy a loving and trusting relationship with your pet built on a foundation of respect for you as the pack master.

Dogs are great students of human behavior and thrive on clear communication, which in turn demands respect. At Alpha and Omega Dog Training, our professional programs recognize this methodology. We take the time and care to train YOU and your dog by tailoring a program based on your unique situation.

Our techniques go beyond training — you and your dog will develop a strong and lasting bond! Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/alphaandomegadogtraining or give us a call at 813.444.7699 to see how we can help you change your relationship with your dog!