Your dog is your best friend.

However, this may not translate to them becoming friends with everyone else. Others may not be comfortable with behaviors you find adorable in your pet. As you become used to the temperament and energy level of your dog, it can overwhelm other people and even other dogs. Therefore, it is important to train your dog in social etiquette skills so they can be around strangers, dogs, and other pets without fear of being “that dog”.

Take them with you.

As more businesses become pet-friendly, there are more opportunities to explore and experience your city with your dog. The precursor to doing this is, of course, ensuring that your dog is well trained in social etiquette. It’s important your dog’s behavior does not make others (or their pets) uncomfortable. A dog with high energy levels or anxiety or apprehension around people and other dogs will create problems for both parties involved. Hence, it is best to ensure that your dog is well-trained to follow basic commands in any environment.

The following tips are some easy ways which can help your pet gradually become more comfortable.

Laying the foundation.

Take your dog out for a daily walk. Start by taking your dog for a walk during off-peak hours in a public place. This will help gauge how they react to environmental influences like noises, animals, and people. As they slowly get used to said interactions, you may target busier hours.
Ensure that your pet receives proper reinforcement during the walk so that they are calm and comfortable throughout. As you slowly expose them to new interactions, your pet will gradually calm down as they get used to the experience.

Create interaction with other dogs. Setting up play dates with other dog owners in a local park is a good opportunity to enable your dog to get accustomed to naturally occurring distractions. Ensure that the location is neutral in the sense that neither dog should have a territorial mentality. Ensure that the other dog has a good temperament. It is preferred that both the dogs are of similar size too. Interactions with other dogs will help your pet in getting used to their presence as well as the presence of pet owners, all while building their social etiquette palette.

Train your dog to work through the distractions. In case your dog shows fearful, aggressive, or agitated behavior outdoors or near others, the problem may be more than merely a lack of social etiquette. The best course of action in such a scenario is to get more information from a professional such a professional dog trainer or a veterinarian.

We hope that you and your pet are able to take to the great outdoors and enjoy the company of others in a safe and conducive manner. Our team at AlphA and Omega Dog Training is here to individually assess your training needs and help you get the desired results with your pet.
Contact us to learn more about our services.